Our values at Barnby Dun Cricket Club
Player development
We are committed to helping players to improve all aspects of their game. Our well-qualified ECB coaches support the development of junior players and experienced players equally.
We are a community focused club helping people to share a love of cricket, enjoy friendship and develop a shared sense of purpose regardless of ability, gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, belief or experience. All are welcome.
We treat everyone with respect. This includes on the field with officials, opposition players and team mates, and off the field with all visitors to our club and our local community. We will not tolerate anti-social behaviour of any kind, intimidation, bullying, harrassment or violence by anyone at any time.
We are committed to providing enjoyable cricket and social experiences for people of all ages with an emphasis on fun.
All players at Barnby Dun Cricket Club play hard but fair to win, but not at all costs - we play within the spirit of the game.
We are magnanimous when we win, and gracious when we lose. We always strive to learn from experience, and we believe that good conduct is as important as sporting prowess.