BDCC AGM 2022 Minutes of meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Barnby Dun Cricket Club on Sunday 27th  November 2022 at Barnby Dun Social Club, commencing 6pm.


Pete Fell (Chair), Alan Young (Treasurer), Michael Fell, Ben Salter (First X1 Captain), Jeanette Barnes, Jon Harris (Second X1 Captain), James Copley, Dennis White, Keeley White, Alex Pepper, Rachael Cummins, Ciaran McCarthy, Frank Tyas, Jay Horne, Ian Dixon, Joseph Dixon, Sam Limber, Linzi Limber, Alan Decent, Nanette Decent, George Atkinson, Lewis Mallinson, James Copley, Suzi Copley, Steve Barnes, Daisy Bayes, Mike Bayes, Helen Pell, Jack Pell, Mark Pell, Ryan Pell and James Brookes.

Apologies were received from Stuart Taylor, Lee McMahon, Paul Dykes, Niall McCarthy, Gary Flatley, Alan Norris, Stephanie France, Oscar McConway-Gee and Steve Pepper.


The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 9th January 2022 were reviewed and passed as a true record.  There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman, Pete Fell, presented his report reproduced below:

Treasurers Report

Alan Young provided a summary of the club’s financial position, stating that we had made a “loss” of about £13,500 during the year.  However, this was largely due to a significant amount of grant money rolled over from the previous year, earmarked for the construction of the new practice nets.  The club now had approximately £2,000 in the bank, with drinks stock of about £400 and 26 hours of coaching pre-paid for the 2023 season.

In presenting the accounts the Treasurer made the following points:

  • The main sources of income for the club were subscriptions (£1,280), winter nets (£933) and refreshments (£1,400).

  • A total of £2,450 had been raised through grants and sponsorship. The club had recently met with James Ward to plan a further National Lottery Community Fund bid.

  • Ben Salter had again been very effective in ensuring that annual subscriptions were promptly paid.

  • The installation of the new practice net had cost a total of £9,170, representing a significant capital investment for the club.

  • A total of £7,272 had been spent on coaching.

The Treasurer went on to state that the challenges for 2023 included meeting the umpire golden handshakes of £900, the increase in umpires (£45) and scorers (£30) fees and the requirement to provide teas in the YCSPL.  He stressed the need to improve fund raising, which had been limited in recent years, and to consider increasing membership/subscriptions.

The Accounts were accepted and approved.


Election of Officials

The following officers were elected to serve for the 2023 season:

President – Ron Bullars

Chair – Pete Fell

Secretary – Alan Young

Treasurer – Helen Pell

Technical & Administrative Director – Stuart Taylor

Director of Womens & Girls Cricket  – Jeanette Barnes

Director of Junior Cricket - Ben Salter

First Team Captain –  Lewis Mallinson

First Team Vice-Captain – Alex Pepper

Womens Captain – Jeanette Barnes

Womens Vice Captain – Suzi Copley

Second Team Captain – Jon Harris

Second Team Vice-Captain – to be appointed by Captain

Sunday Team Captain – Oscar McConway-Gee

Sunday Team Vice Captain – to be appointed by Captain

Midweek Captain – James Copley

Midweek Vice-Captain – Michael Fell

Child Welfare Officer – Helen Fell

Trustees – Jay Horne, Barry Smith, Alan Decent, Alan Norris, Steve Pepper and Linzi Limber.

Management Committee – The elected executive officers detailed above, plus Frank Tyas, Rachael Cummins, Kelley White and Carrie Fullerton.


Ben Salter provided a summary of the main points raised in the preceding Junior AGM, and informed the meeting that team managers had been found for each of the junior age groups as follows:

  • Under 9s – Lee McMahon

  • Under 11s – Mick Reeves

  • Under 13s – Kelley White

  • Under 15s – Helen Pell

  • Under 17s – Ben Salter


Any Other Business

The Chair concluded the meeting by asking those present to raise any issues they may have.  The following matters were raised, and will be considered formally by the Management Committee at their next meeting:

  • The Chair took the opportunity to go first and stated that:

    • Fund raising should be a priority for the new season, to help the club continue to prosper;

    • Friday evening should be predominantly for junior training/All Stars and be a social gathering for the club, with drinks and refreshments;

    • There should be better delegation (by captains) on match days to tackle all of the different tasks;

    • Consideration should be given to forming sub-committees , each having responsibility for the following key areas:

      • Events & Fund Raising;

      • Disciplinary (to include a lady member);

      • Juniors;

      • Womens & Girls;

      • Membership & subscriptions.

    • Dennis White stated that he had three new balls that the club would be able to use.

    • Steve Barnes stressed the need to delegate tasks on match days, as it was not practical to leave everything up to the captain.

    • Lewis Mallinson suggested that individuals could be asked to bring in different items for Teas.

    • Alex Pepper suggested that one hour (5-30pm to 6-30pm) was long enough for the younger junior player at Indoor Nets and preferably they should be using the open space for drills and practice. Rachael Cummins agreed.

    • Mike Bayes stated that with the growing number of girls and ladies, there is a need to appoint a female Coach.

    • Ian Dixon pointed out that the cost of juniors playing cricket was extremely cheap when compared to other activities, such as football and dancing.

    • Joseph Dixon stated that there needs to be a rota/plan for the Friday coaching sessions.

    • James Brookes expressed his disappointment at not being provided with a new ball to open the bowling towards the end of the season.

    • Jay Horne stated that the Juniors should have a separate presentation night to the adults.

    • Frank Tyas felt that the combined presentation evening had worked well, and that the new umpires were impressed.

    • Michael Fell pointed out that the control of cash in the till on match days needed to be improved, as it relied too much on player honesty. Helen Pell stated that she would be looking to significantly tighten controls over the handling of cash relating to refreshment sales.

    • Helen Pell asked why the SumUp card reader was so unreliable. Alan Young explained that it really need its own SIM card to ensure a reliable signal – something to address for next season.

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7-45pm.

Alan Young   (Secretary)


29th November 2022